Friday, August 9, 2013

Animal Jam News!

Hello Jammers! These items are going on clearance in the shop Jam Mart Clothing, once they leave they might not come back, or they could come out again but its good to pick them up before they leave. Make sure to pick up a Snowman Mask, Steampunk Goggles, and a Jester Hat before they leave!

In the Mystery Emporium located in Zios, some items are on clearance, make sure to pick them up before they leave, we never know if there leaving for forever or may come back, so make sure to pick them up!

Also in the under water shop, you should pick up these two items that just went on clearance, make sure to pick these up before they leave!
Lastly in Outback Imports a new furniture came out, make sure to check it out and have a splash-tastic day!

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