Saturday, August 31, 2013

News in Jamaa!

Hello Jammers I'm very happy to say that posts will be continuing since I've fixed the problems on my laptop.

In Jam Mart Clothing new items have came out! One is a new style gumball machine! And the other four have been based on back to school! Now Jammers can make there dens into schools!

In the Diamond Shop 'Wind Armor' is starting to come out, so far two pieces of the outfit have came back, the Wind Helmet for 2 diamonds and the Wind Amulet for 1 diamond!

Also the map has changed back to its original format, that many Jammers love!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Lion hat, clearance and Epic Den

Heya Jammers!

Neon can't post today because of a small tech issue x3 so I'll be posting for today. First off, Lion Hats have returned to the store! I was thinking they were removed to become rare, but really they didn't become rare at all. ^.(\ silly AJ!

Also a huge clearance has been up in the Mystery Emporium located in the Temple of Zios!
Head over now to buy the things on clearance!

Lastly, the Epic Den of the week is posted in the Daily Explorer.

Hey if your willing to,

Well, have fun in Jamaa! ^.^

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Bass Camp!

Hello Jammer's! Today if you've noticed, Bass Camp music is available in the Diamond Shop! They just came out today for only 1 diamond! Click on the diamond music player item and you'll see all the available Diamond Shop music so far, only 1 diamond for each!

Have a Splash-Tastic day!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Animal Jam Lanterns

Located in Kimbara Outback, Outback Imports brings a new item today to arrive in Jamaa, the 'Lantern' there sold for 400 gems, and can only be bought by members, make sure to check them out, and decorate your den with new style!
Have a Splash-Tastic day!
                   NeonSplashKitty! <3

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Today brings the new Jamaa Journal! As you can see the Summer Carnival is coming to an end! Right now the items are on sale, half the price in tickets! Make sure to pick them up, the summer is
coming to an close, just like these items will! Next the Adventure Base Camp has been updated into a new format, It's a little bit different in how its set up, but its a very convenient new lay out! Also the Kimbara Outback has been getting more cool den furniture so make sure to check it out! And lastly in the Diamond Shop, pet monkeys are going on clearance, make sure to buy one before there gone!

Also in the Adventure Base Camp, there is a new adventure coming soon, we'll have to wait and see what type of adventure this is, and what it brings!
Now in Jam Mart Clothing, located in Jamaa Township you can buy a new item for 500 gems, High Heels. They have eight colors, and make animals a bit more taller, hope to see some Jammers make there own styles!
Have a Splash-Tastic day!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Diamond Shop and Flowers!


Today in the Diamond Shop, 'Giant Kangaroo Plushie' has came out in eight different colors! There only one diamond, just like other plushie in the Diamond Shop, make sure to pick up yours today
In the newest shop in the Kimbara Outback a new item 'Golden Wattle' came out, there a very bright and beautiful yellow flower, hope to see some in dens!
Have a Splash-Tastic day!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Scammer Omgbrbidklol

Recently omgbrbidklol scammed Raackattack from both his very rare beards. omgbrbidklol has been known for scamming for a long time, someone has to do something about him, before he scams more or switches his account. I would be so happy if you blocked and reported and even told AJHQ about this. He hurt people very important to me, so I would like to stand up for them


Jamaa Updates!

In Jam Mart Furniture located in Jamaa Township, six items went on clearance, all wood themed.
Makes sure to pick them up before they leave the stores, the clearance items leave stores but may not come back but sometimes they do come back, it can take some time, so they'll become rare later on, make sure to pick some up soon!
Today's Monday Rare is 'Rare Cool Hair' you can buy it in Jam Mart Clothing in Jamaa Township. It's selling for 600 gems and is for members only, make sure to pick it up before it leaves, you only have Monday to pick it up, tomorrow it won't be around.

In 'Return of The Phantoms' in Adventure Beta, in the first adventure there is an option of how hard the adventure is, in order to get a 'Rare' prize you must take the hard adventure and once you have finished the adventure you'll get a choice of which prize to choose, the prize with a rare is usually the box circled in red above. You can win worns, nm swords, and other small rares, there non members rares often though.
Have a Splash-Tastic day!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Animal Jam News!

Jammers, I noticed I got a friend request from 'New Jammer' as you can see they have a space in there name so there un searchable. Some people say there working for AJHQ but I'm not positively sure if there real workers or just a glitch. What do you guys think? Have you gotten a buddy request from 'New Jammer' or already have one on your list?

In Jam Mart Clothing located in Jamaa Township, police hats finally came back into stores, items go into stores and leave them and may come back, you'll never know if items leave for good or just for a little bit, it could even take a couple years at most, its all AJHQ's decision.
Have a Splash-Tastic day!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Animal Jam News!

Hello Jammers!
Today has been another exciting day, Spiked Wristband's came out in different colors! There are eight new colors for the Spiked Wristband's! There in the diamond shop for only three diamonds, if you want one make sure to pick some up!
Also in the Diamond Shop, pet monkeys are going on clearance, make sure to pick them up for 3 diamonds, before they leave the shop, it could take a while for them to come back, or they might not.
Have a splash-tastic day!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Animal Jam Sling Shot?

Hello Jammers! I'm very excited to tell you about a new clothing item, a Sling Shot! There not in the stores, and this is the first I've seen it, being worn by amy82156! I'm not sure how many of these Sling Shots are on the game or there colors, but there defiantly a rare item right now, but they could of been in the adventures and won as a prize, so we'll have to keep an eye out to see if the clothing item Sling Shots come out! It would be paw-esome to see if any of you have seen one, and comment the color if you have!
