In Jam Mart Furniture located in Jamaa Township, six items went on clearance, all wood themed.
Makes sure to pick them up before they leave the stores, the clearance items leave stores but may not come back but sometimes they do come back, it can take some time, so they'll become rare later on, make sure to pick some up soon!
Today's Monday Rare is 'Rare Cool Hair' you can buy it in Jam Mart Clothing in Jamaa Township. It's selling for 600 gems and is for members only, make sure to pick it up before it leaves, you only have Monday to pick it up, tomorrow it won't be around.
In 'Return of The Phantoms' in Adventure Beta, in the first adventure there is an option of how hard the adventure is, in order to get a 'Rare' prize you must take the hard adventure and once you have finished the adventure you'll get a choice of which prize to choose, the prize with a rare is usually the box circled in red above. You can win worns, nm swords, and other small rares, there non members rares often though.
Have a Splash-Tastic day!